Sunday, November 2, 2008

'Black Pearl' Pepper

I've had this plant listed in my shop under it's botanical name, Capsicum annuum 'Black Pearl'. I changed it to 'Black Pearl' Pepper when I thought about it and realized that most people aren't going to know what the botanical name is. I've had more hits after changing it, so I'm patting myself for being clever. :)

This has been my favorite plant for several years, but I fall even more in love with it every autumn when I bring it in. The black, sparkly foliage is enough to make most people take a second glance and ask about it, and it's even more eye catching when it's covered with bright, red peppers.

It does wonderfully indoors in the winter and blooms and peppers all winter in my bright, south-facing window. That means that those tasty little balls end up in my soups and other dishes all winter!


Jay Neale III said...

You had me at "capsicum."

My wife and son and I are chile pepper fans from way back! It seems I now have a new variety to try.

I love your blog. I kept coming back to it but, for some reason, I wasn't "following" it until today. From this point forward any time you update it will show up on my blog (

fluffnflowers said...

If you give it a try, let me know if you love it! :) It's gorgeous and tasty.

I've listed you as a follower, too!